The Birds and the Bees for Children of Faint-Hearted Parents
An outspokenly in-your-face workshop for teenagers on all the sexual stuff you want to know, and probably some you don't! This workshop provides open and uninhibited discussion off all things sexual. The program addresses kids in the language they're used to (yes - the language that makes parents cringe!) while focusing on information, self-respect and respect for sexual partners. We teach the proper words for the slang while providing real information on a variety of sexual topics. Heavy emphasis is put on respect throughout the entire presentation, and on everyone's right to say :No!" to sex.
All sexual topics are openly discussed, with clear information and honest, age-appropriate responses to questions. We endeavor to present all topics as informational, stripped of any form of advocacy for or against. In other words, legal sexual practices are presented as informational, while illegal sexual practices are presented as illegal. Emphasis is also placed on the importance of finding for oneself a set of sexual values that considers the particular values of one's own family rather than that of peers. In other words, we are fully respectful of the rights and responsibilities of the parents (and not this workshop) to guide their child's sexual values.