Helping Kids to Survive Trauma
Brattelboro, Vt
Trauma can be many things, from one critical, life-threatening incident to a prolonged series of incidents of abuse, neglect or crisis. Once trauma has occurred, it's critical that family, school personnel, friends and professionals band together to quickly apply "trauma first aid" to help minimize the possible long-term effects of unresolved trauma.
Bob gently assists participants in thinking through, ahead of time, how to respond when a trauma occurs, whether for one child or for an entire school system. We'll talk about developing a post-trauma intervention plan, as well as get down to the nitty-gritty of actual interpersonal techniques that can be used by adults to support and help kids heal from various traumatic stresses and events. Special attention is paid to techniques of acute traumatic stress management.
This program is developed in coordination with the National Center for Crisis Management and includes a copy of Comprehensive Acute Traumatic Stress Management for each participant. Participants who attend the full program will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the National Center for Crisis Management, where Bob is a member of the Premier Speaker's Bureau.