Southern Vermont Special Services


Robert A Pelosi, NCC, LCMHC, BCETS

Psychotherapy  -  Consultation  -  Training

No Broken Kids

Please Contact Us if interested in this Workshop

Bob's dynamic premier program for the families and care providers of youths with significant behavioral difficulties.A focused and highly targeted group, this therapeutic group is designed for the parents and professionals serving children and teens with moderate to severe behavioral difficulties.The program is appropriate for families and professionals with a child with one or more diagnoses including Asperger's Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Attention Deficit, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, bipolar disorder, specific learning disabilities, etc. Special focus will be on developing consistent behavioral interventions that address both the behavioral issues and the cognitive processing issues that may be present in such kids.

Groups are limited to a maximum of six family groupings, and consists of three sessions of 5 to 6 hours each (usually once per month for three months). Participants are required to sign a strict confidentiality agreement in order to ensure the privacy of all participants and family members. The group will utilize a variety of techniques including Cognitive-Behavioral, Roleplaying, and family systems therapy, and materials from recognized experts in the field. We will specifically learn a three-tiered intervention system designed to support behavioral intervention with kids who may be disruptive, oppositional, noncompliant and even violence-prone. Participants will complete the program with a greater understanding of why their child behaves the ways he or she does, as well as very specific intervention strategies to change their behaviors and achieve better compliance and more peace in the family.

Registration includes one full set of course materials per group. Some insurances may cover a portion of the cost (Ask Bob about this.) A family unit may consist of up to three individuals, all focused on the same case (i.e. one or two parents and one or two associated care providers). Bob conducts the program a few times each year in the Wilmington, Vermont area. Watch this web site for upcoming dates.

No Broken Kidssm can also be brought to your area, most often under the sponsorship of an organization or agency. Contact us by phone at 802-368-2220 or email for details