Time-Out Techniques that Work
When a child (son, daughter, student, client, etc.) doesn’t follow my directions or is defiant or is out of control, I send her for a time-out. It simply doesn’t work. What am I going to do with this kid?? In this short and to the point hands-on workshop, Bob Pelosi teaches you a specific and immediately-usable technique to implement a time-out that works. The particular technique is easily implemented by parents, paraprofessionals and professionals, in almost any setting. You will learn first some of the basic concepts of Social Learning Theory, developing a new level of understanding of why many kids disobey and act out. You’ll learn about reinforcement, negative versus positive attention, and about building compliant behaviors. And then you will learn, understand and actually practice utilizing the technique. It’s easy, safe, behavior-specific, and humane, and may be used at home or at school.
Utilizing time-outs that are short (one minute for each year of the child’s age) and effective, this particular technique helps children to safely calm themselves, understand the limit that has been set, and to correct even some more difficult behaviors. This workshop is appropriate for parents, educators, paraprofessionals and residential staff.