Understanding Attachment Disorders
Reactive Attachment Disorder is a serious disorder that begins in very early infancy, and can result in lifelong impairment and difficulty. Most often it is seen in children who have experienced serious early trauma and/or disruption in care prior to the age of about 26 months. Attachment Disorder results in children who have great difficulty forming significant relationships and who are often plagued by an inability to experience empathy.
In this workshop, Bob gently assists participants in learning how attachment disturbances occur, and suggests some intervention techniques and strategies to help kids with attachment disturbances. We'll talk about actual interpersonal techniques that can be used by adults to support and help kids heal from various traumatic stresses and events, as well as recent research developments in the science of the brain as they r elate to Attachment Disorders..
This program is developed in coordination with the National Center for Crisis Management. Participants who attend the full program will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the National Center for Crisis Management, where Bob is a member of the Premier Speaker's Bureau.